Different Gateway Applications & TCL Files

Different Gateway Applications

The script extracts required parameters and then hands off the call to the boot strap VXML service named "new-call" which loads the bootstrap.vxml file. This VXML page then submits a new call HTTP request to the Customer Voice Portal (CVP) IVR Service which kicks off a sequence of VXML communications between the VXML Gateway and the CVP IVR Service, commonly called "MicroApps". For SIP calls, this script extracts Call GUID, Call Server URL, and DNIS. Call Server host is extracted from the App-Info header. For H.323 calls, Call GUID and DNIS are extracted. Call Server is also extracted from the call data. For both SIP and H.323 calls, the Call GUID is normalized in base16, 35 char length hex format as follows(not base10, 43 char length):


The VXML-GW sends a new call request to the Customer Voice Portal (CVP) IVR Service which kicks off a sequence of VXML communications between the VXML Gateway and the CVP IVR Service, commonly called “MicroApps”. Any HTTP errors, or fetch errors (7 second timeout), will handoff to recovery.vxml in flash and handoff.tcl in flash.

Handoff.tcl has the sole job of disconnecting a call with a code an ISDN Q.850 code of 38.

This service should be placed on the ingress-gw on the incoming pots dial-peer that is destined for CVP. In the event of critical CVP application errors or a WAN failure that would normally disconnect the caller, this script allows the gateway to attempt a transfer to some alternate location after the failure occurs instead of disconnecting the caller. In the event that the call cannot be transfered to an alternate agent, the script will play a "call-back-later" message and disconnect.
