From SQL Management Studio...
1. Backup LoggerA and HDS1 databases (for safety precautions, which is a good practice anyway).
2. Take a copy LoggerA DB and transfer/FTP it to LoggerB server. And, take a copy of HDS1 DB and transfer/FTP it to HDS2 server.
3. Stop LoggerB services from service control.
4. Stop all AW/HDS2 services from service control.
5. From the LoggerB server:
a. Using ICMDBA, "Recreate" the database (pg 46).
b. Import LoggerA's database over to LoggerB. Note: use the database copy from LoggerB's local machine (pg 47).
check "Lockout Changes" box.
check "Trunctae Config Message Log" box.
check "Trunctae Config Message Log" box.
c. If Import doesn't work, then Restore database using SQL Management Studio:
right click on the databse > Task > Restore
choose "From device" button and select the.bak
choose "From device" button and select the
click "Restore" box.
go to Options tab, click "Overwrite the existing database"
click "OK"
6. Run the following query against LoggerB’s database.
truncate table Recovery
truncate table Logger_Admin
truncate table Logger_Admin
( Truncating Logger_Admin table is only to be done on Logger. Do not do this on HDS )
This will truncate table "Recovery" (i.e. delete all rows of table' Recovery') in the database.
After it's truncated (deleted), the recovery process will try to get the data (rows) from the other side.
Logger will get it from the HDS and pass it on to the other Logger and it will pass it on to its HDS.
7. Start LoggerB services. Wait for some time (10-15 minutes) or until LoggerB's max recovery key matches LoggerA's max recovery key.
8. Run icmdba and go to Spaced Used Summary and verify both LoggerA and LoggerB’s max recovery keys and max DateTime match. Note: make sure BOTH max recovery keys and max DateTime match!
SQL Command: max(DateTime), and max (RecoveryKey).
9. From the HDS2 server, import HDS1 database over to HDS2 (use the database copy from LoggerB's local machine).
10. Run the following query against HDS2 database.
truncate table Recovery
11. Start HDS2 services. Allow enough time for data to get replicated (Logger -> HDS).
12. At the end of this exercise, verify BOTH max recovery keys and max DateTime match between LoggerA, HDS1, LoggerB, HDS2.
SQL Command: max(DateTime), and max (RecoveryKey).