Create Device target in Configuration Manager
Add label for all the routing-clients. In our setup we have two routing clients.
- Cisco Unified Communication Manager
- Cisco Unified CVP IVR or VRU
These two routing clients can request for label from CUICM and CUICM will return the label to the respective routing-client.
Following picture shows the agent DN label that will be returned for the CUCM originated calls. CUCM will be named as routing client because it is requesting a label from ICM. So an entity that requests a label from ICM is called routing client. And typically ICM sends a label back to orginal routing clinet. Unless you have Network Transfer option configured. In Network Transfer case, ICM will return lable back to CVP even though it could have been requested by CUCM.
Following picture shows the agent DN label that will be returned to the CVP Routing Client when CVP will request for it.
Network VRU Configuration in AW Configuration Manager
Network VRU or CVP configuration is important when agent is not available and ICM needs to queu the call at the edge (at the VXML Gateway).
So what we are telling ICM here is that if an agent is not available you need to queue the call at the VXML Gateway. And the way to reach to VXML gateway is to return a lable back to the CVP or CUCM (depending on who is requesting the call). So for example
- If CUCM requested to connect to agent and agent is not avialble
- ICM will send a VRU label 5417641402 back to CUCM
- CUCM will route this lable back to the VXML gateway
- VXML gateway will queue this call and play MoH or similar prompts to the caller
Add new agents
Add Skill Group
Use Skill Group Explorer to add new skill group.
Add route option in the skill group as well.
Make sure Agents are assigned
Add Call Type List
Add Dialed Number/Script Selector List
Dialed number are configured in ICM so that ICM can recognize the incoming call and trigger script based on the dialed number.
AW Configuration Manager ->Configure ICM -> Tool -> List Tool -> Diald Number
Enable Expanded Call Context
CUICM Instance Explorer Setting
Add Expanded Call Variable List
Go to: Configuration Manager --> List Tool --> Expanded Call Variable List
And add all the variables listed here. Make sure that all of them are enabled. Some of them may or may not be required for your scripting need and also you may need additional variable to complete your script. All the variables listed here are not persistent.
Name of ECC Variable | Max Length | Array (Y/N) - Size |
user.h323.rftransfer | 40 | No | | 36 | No |
user.microap.app_media_lib | 10 | No |
user.microapp.caller_input | 130 | No |
user.microapp.currency | 6 | No |
user.microapp.error_code | 2 | No |
user.microapp.FromExtVXML | 40 | Yes - 1 |
user.microapp.grammer_choices | 20 | No |
user.microapp.inline_tts | 30 | No |
user.microapp.input_type | 1 | No |
user.microapp.locale | 5 | No |
user.microapp.media_server | 30 | No |
user.microapp.metadata | 62 | No |
user.microapp.override_cli | 10 | No |
user.microapp.pd_tts | 1 | No |
user.microapp.play_data | 40 | No |
user.microapp.sys_media_lib | 10 | No |
use.microapp.ToExtVXML | 40 | Yes - 1 |
user.microapp.uui | 40 | No |
user.microapp.UseVXMLParams | 1 | No |
user.sip.refertransfer | 1 | No |
A sample screen shot is also available.
Network VRU Script List
CTI Toolkit Agent Desktop Client Installation
If all configuration steps are good and communication to the CUCM via PG1 is active, then agent should be able to login. At this point it is also good idea to check if call is being routed to the agent by making a following simple ICM routing script.
Start ---> LAA --->Skill Group Selection ---> Stop
Or else you can refere to following document for the ICM script.
In order to completely understand the concepts presented here, this document should be read along with the following guide.