If you get this error in CTIOS logs then it means you are hitting a bug in 8.0.3 version of CTIOS. Get ready for update

04:07:08 CTIOS1-ctios Trace: IOCPConnectionMgrThread[7076], Client[00018,0404F058]: PostWrite, ERROR_IO_PENDING, PendingWrites(25) for Client(18) atAddress(10.x.x.x), Total Client pending write operations is 25 for 13 Client(s) connected.

It could be a problem that ctios client was very slow to respond to the ctios server requests. And this would cause ctiossvr uses up tcp/ip socket buffer, CSCtk05802. This is an enhancement defect to cope with the slow client response.
The fix is in 8.5.2. Due to the complicated implementation of the fix, this defect can't be built into ES.
